Glendale Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are on the rise in the United States. Nearly 13 auto accidents occur every minute, oftentimes resulting in severe injury or even death. In fact, there is one fatality every 13 minutes due to a vehicle crash.
Those may seem like ‘unlucky’ numbers, but the truth is, luck has nothing to do with it. Accidents are caused by another driver’s negligence, making them responsible for their victim’s losses. Insurance companies representing the person at fault gain the most amount of money by awarding the least to those left suffering.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, rest assured that in these challenging times, one of our compassionate personal injury attorneys will guide you through every step of the process so that you know your rights and receive the settlement you are entitled to.

At Glendale Law Firm, we know vehicle collisions are costly, and getting the compensation you deserve is complicated. Your financial recovery is our top priority, allowing you to focus on your health. Trust that our experienced car accident attorneys have your best interest in mind and will tackle tough negotiations on your behalf.
We want to learn more about your situation so we can help you gain control of what happens next.
Call or text us today for your Free Consultation at (818) 818-1948.
Take Immediate Action After You Have Been in a Car Accident
Though the shock of a car accident may leave you feeling out of sorts, it is important to immediately take steps to protect your future. Do your best to stay calm and in control of yourself and the situation. You are more likely to get the information you need, so later you receive the compensation you deserve.
- Call 911. This may seem obvious, but many drivers are afraid to call or may be coerced by the faulty driver into settling without reporting the incident. Immediately calling to report the accident ensures that first responders arrive directly at the scene, where proper assessments can be made by law enforcement.
- Document the Accident. Even before first responders arrive on the scene, if it is safe to do so, gather some evidence on your own. With our smartphones, we are able to be great investigators and on-the-scene reporters. Take pictures and a video of the incident, including the accident area, traffic lights or signs, vehicle plates, and damages, as well as any other conditions that would be of note. Record your own expert testimony through digital notes or a video. You are better able to recall the incident directly after it happened. Witnesses to a crash are often good samaritans who are willing to stop and report what they saw as well. Getting their name, phone number, and statement is another way of ensuring that an accurate account of the crash is represented for your possible defense.
- Contact an Attorney. Experienced car accident lawyers know what it takes to successfully take on insurance companies on the victim’s behalf. Attorneys are better able to get their clients the maximum compensation they are due by building a solid case against the negligent driver. The at-fault driver and their insurance company are responsible for the damages you and your loved ones incurred. Do not settle, instead, get an advocate.
Just as important as these three steps, there are a few things you should not do after a car accident.
First, never admit fault, even if you think you are to blame for the accident. It is not your job to prove fault. Next, do not simply exchange insurance and driver’s license information. The police officer on the scene will take care of this. Lastly, be sure not to get fooled by insurance companies by taking their settlement offer. Only an experienced attorney knows their ploys and is able to masterfully maneuver through the red tape.
Car accidents are scary. Your mind is racing. Knowing what to do is crucial. Immediate action is your best defense. You gain your composure and take control of an unfortunate situation. As the air clears, you recognize the importance of knowing your legal options. Speaking with a car accident attorney can help you get the best possible outcome for your case. Call (818) 818-1948 and get a complimentary consultation of your case.
Wondering if You Should Call an Attorney?
There are close to 20,000 car accidents daily across the United States. Though all of these incidents do not require legal representation, a significant amount do. Knowing when to get help is important. A good rule of thumb is that if you were in a severe accident that involved significant bodily injury to you or anyone else, substantial damage to one or more vehicles, or if clear fault was not established, call an attorney sooner rather than later.
In addition to the aforementioned cases, the following are other car accident scenarios that the attorneys at Glendale Law Firm have successfully represented clients in:
- School Zone Accidents
- Construction or Work Zone Collisions
- Underinsured or Uninsured Motorist Crashes
- Pedestrian or Bicycle Accidents
- Insurance Company Bullying or Ambiguity
- Inability to Resume Work or Perform at Expected Potential
- Loss of Employment or Future Employment
If you are not sure if you need legal representation, make the call for a free consultation, and find out. In most cases, time is of the essence, especially due to the statute of limitations for lawsuits arising from a car accident. So, do not delay.
What to Bring for Your Initial Meeting
Remember when we talked about what to do after a car accident? This is the time to put that into play. You will want to bring any information you were able to gather at the scene of the accident or thereafter, including:
- Your Contact Information
- Any Passengers Contact Information
- The Other Driver’s Contact Information
- Witness Contact Information
- Witness Statement
- Photos and/or Video of Accident Scene
- Photos and/or Video of Vehicle Damage
- Receipts for Vehicle Repair
- Police Report and Your Recorded Notes
- Medical Records and Invoices
- Employer Information
Car Accidents Happen
Car accidents happen, and in almost every case, one or more of the drivers is at fault. In fact, roughly 98% of all car crashes are caused by human error. The decisions made before and after a driver gets behind the wheel are crucial to everyone’s safety on the road. Being aware of surroundings, as well as knowing how to react when obstacles arise are often the difference between life and death. Wearing a seatbelt can save your life.
Who is Most at Risk of Causing a Car Crash?
According to the National Institute for Health, teenage drivers are at the highest risk of causing a car accident. There are many factors working against them, including:
- Lack of experience
- Having other teen passengers. Therefore, more distracted and risky behavior
- Distraction from texting and cell phone or smartwatch use while driving
- Drunk or drugged driving
- Peer pressure or norms to speed or display risky driving behavior
Insurance companies are well aware of these inexperienced driver risk factors and charge premiums to reflect that. The good news is that auto insurance is mandatory in almost every state. This means that ALL drivers must have auto insurance to cover the cost should they be in an accident. This way, drivers are held accountable at least to a minimal extent for bodily injury and other damages.
Requirements and coverage vary by state. Here are the minimum liability insurance requirements in California (per Insurance code §11580.1b):
- $15,000 for injury/death to one person
- $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person
- $5,000 for damage to property
What Types of Accidents are the Most Dangerous?
While all car accidents pose dangers, some cause more injury and death than others. Speed, type of vehicle, and seat belt wearing are among the highest contributing factors in severity of bodily harm and fatalities. Six of the most common fatal car accident types are:
Distracted Driving Accidents. The driver’s focus on the road is diminished by cellphone and smartwatch use, both talking and texting, technology through the stereo, temperature control and navigation, food consumption, and passenger interactions.
T-Bone Crashes. Car A hits Car B on the side, forming a ‘T.’ This crash usually occurs when a driver pulls out or turns in front of oncoming traffic, not leaving them the opportunity to anticipate the need to stop. The severity of the crash depends on the size and speed of the vehicle in oncoming traffic, as well as the make and model of the car being hit.
Multi-Vehicle Pileups. Three or more cars are involved in these accidents where traffic is usually congested, or poor weather conditions warrant uncontrollable driving conditions.
Vehicle Rollovers. These accidents are caused by one vehicle hitting another, hitting a curb or other outside object, or speeding while turning the wheel. The vehicle then rolls over onto its side, roof, or at least one full rotation before coming to rest.
Rear End Accidents. One car hits the back of another with its front. Though this type of accident most often occurs in stop-and-go traffic, many happen on the highway as well. Whiplash and spinal cord injury are among the most common injuries.
Head-On Collisions. Considered to be the most fatal, these crashes occur when the front ends of two vehicles collide while traveling in opposite directions. Running red lights, improper or careless passing, and swerving to avoid an obstacle are typically the ways these high-impact accidents occur.
Being a defensive driver and understanding the causes of deadly accidents can help you and your loved ones stay alive and well. Drive at a safe speed, leave room between you and the car in front of you, pay attention to your surroundings, obey traffic signs and signals, and wear your seatbelt! The rest is not up to you, so hope that other drivers are doing the same.
Does the Reason for Driving Increase Your Risk of Getting into an Accident?
The “reason” you are driving may increase your chances of getting into a crash. Holiday driving is dangerous due to an increased number of motorists on the roads, especially those that may be traveling in unfamiliar areas. Because the focus is on getting somewhere in the quickest time possible, driving while in a hurry causes many people to operate their vehicles in an unsafe manner, often speeding, disobeying traffic signs and signals, and disregarding typical wait times or safety checks. These driving behaviors are also typical for those driving while at a high level of emotion, often causing a lack of focus or recklessness.
Does the Time of Year or Day Affect the Likelihood of a Car Accident?
Seasons change and create hazardous conditions for drivers everywhere, especially for those in areas with substantial amounts of snow and ice. Rainy and foggy times of the year create slippery conditions as well as poor visibility for motorists. In addition to time of year, time of day is a factor in many car accidents. Rush hour consists of heavier amounts of traffic, along with people in a hurry that may be tired or distracted. Diminished visibility can happen due to sun ‘blindness’ or limited sight due to the darkness of night.
What Cities Have the Most Car Crashes in the United States?
According to Allstate’s 2019 Report, the top 5 cities in the United States with the highest rate of accidents are:
- Baltimore, MD
- Washington, DC
- Boston, MA
- Worcester, MA
- Glendale, CA
Though California made it on the top ten list three times, Glendale undoubtedly takes the cake for having the worst drivers in the state. In fact, compared to the national average, drivers in Glendale are 83% more likely to get into an accident. The place for most of their collisions is on California State Route 134.

Top 13 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in California and Across the United States
With so many accidents on the road, it is no wonder why more and more people are anxious about getting on roadways. Here are the most common causes:
- Distracted Driving: Takes the drivers attention away from the road and surroundings.
- Drunk and/or Drugged Driving: Before or while behind the wheel, the driver consumes alcohol or drugs.
- Poor Weather: Rain, snow, ice, and fog contribute to slippery road conditions with limited visibility.
- Reckless Driving: When a person drives with disregard for the safety of themselves and others. This often includes excessive speeding and purposely making a vehicle airborne.
- Road Rage: Significant anger, rage, and aggression while behind the wheel.
- Speeding: Driving a vehicle at a speed that is higher than is safe or legal, referring to posted speed limits.
- Running a Red Light: Turning right on red without stopping for the proper amount of wait time, entering an intersection after the yellow light illuminates and the light turns red while you are in the intersection, or disregarding the red light and treating it as if it were green.
- Running a Stop Sign: Not coming to a complete stop or failing to stop altogether.
- Improper Turns: Not looking to ensure the roadway is clear of both oncoming or merging traffic before turning or lane changing. Not obeying traffic signals or signs for when, how, or if to turn.
- Road Hazards: Any roads with construction, debris or that are poorly maintained, such as:
- Potholes
- Inadequate lighting drainage or signage
- Overgrown trees or shrubs
- Construction signs
- Workers
- Lane pattern changes
- Poor roadway design or faulty guardrails
Many times, other road hazards such as weather or animal crossings are not considered to involve negligence.
- Tailgating: When a driver follows too closely to the vehicle in front of them, increasing the possibility of a rear-end collision.
- Fatigue or drowsy driving: Driving while tired or during long stretches of road, creating lack of alertness and slowed reaction times. Some drivers fall asleep at the wheel.
- Vehicle Defects: With thousands of moving parts in most vehicles, defective or potentially recalled car parts can be to blame for an accident.
Get the Representation in California You Deserve!
With so much working against you, why not welcome an attorney who will work with you to get your life back on track and moving in the right direction? The accident attorneys at Glendale Law Firm know your legal rights in the state of California and want the chance to help you fight for yours and what is rightfully owed to you.
Let us do the Heavy Lifting
Our car accident attorneys have the experience necessary to build the best case for you. We will protect your rights and help you get higher compensation through:
- Dealing with Insurance Agencies
- Proper Filing of Paperwork
- Ensuring Deadlines are Achieved
- Complete Investigation of the Accident
We can help you get awarded due to (past, present, and future) losses from:
- Pain and suffering
- Medical Bills
- Mental Aguish
- Property Damage
- Physical Therapy
- Loss of Wages
If you or someone you love has been in an accident, you need help. Skip the uncertainty and give us a call at (818) 818-1948. It is FREE!